Android Example : HTTP GET, POST Request with Retrofit

In our last tutorial we discussed about how to send a network request using Volley Library, while Volley is a widely used network library for basic HTTP operations there is one more library which is quite popular among Android developers- Retrofit. In fact many developers prefer Retrofit over Volley due to its ease of use, performance, extensibility etc.

Retrofit is basically an HTTP client for Android and Java developed by the awesome folks at Square. What makes it unique is that with Retrofit you don’t need to worry about parsing the response – meaning de-serialization is handled in the background itself, you just need to configure any convertor library (GSON, Jackson etc). Retrofit uses OkHttp by default for HTTP operations.

In this example we will develop an application which will send a network request with Retrofit and display the response. We will be using OpenWeather API to fetch current weather details. Its a free API service which provider number of APIs to fetch weather details anywhere on the Globe, you just need to register to obtain the API key. Read this for more


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